Simply The Best & Second To None!
Janice DeMello
Deposit Policy
Below is my policy on deposits. I do my best to assure that the personality of the puppy/dog matches the personality of the person/family they will be living with. This is why I have chosen to make my policy on deposits what it is.
All Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE with very few exceptions such as not enough puppies in a particular litter, etc.
When a deposit is placed, it is placed on the ’Puppy List’ itself NOT on a specific puppy. A $300 deposit is generally required. By placing a deposit on a litter, it guarantees that if there is a puppy with the appropriate personality for your home’s needs, you will get that puppy. I do all I can to accommodate sex and coloring requirements, but lifestyle and living conditions are my primary considerations.
I do not allow people to choose a specific puppy at birth solely based on coloring or markings (which is all that can be seen at birth). Personality and temperament are far more important qualities to take into consideration when choosing a companion or performance partner. I make every effort to accommodate the choices of the perspective homes, but I will NOT place a puppy in a home if I do not believe it is the right personality for a particular home.
As the litter matures, if there is not a puppy that I believe will suit a home’s personality needs, the deposit is ‘rolled’ over into an upcoming litter. This can happen if a home is looking for a specific sex or there is a color requirement.
Individuals looking to purchase a HN dog on full registration for breeding are dealt with on an individual basis. I am very selective on where my pups go.
If you wish to discuss my policies further, please feel free to contact me. I am always willing to work with a perspective puppy/dog owner and do my best to accommodate. However, keep in mind that my primary concerns are for the safety and well-being of the puppies I breed. Please be sure to state all your concerns prior to sending your deposit.
So, don’t be shy or hesitant! If you are serious about being placed on my puppy list and joining my incomparable Hob Nob family, send me an email
By adding a Hob Nob border collie to your family you will experience why they are...