Puppy Purchase...



 Hob Nob Border Collies

Washington state

Janice DeMello

email: jandemello@earthlink.net

Hob Nob border collies are well known throughout the United States and in many countries outside the U.S.A.
I have been producing my outstanding line of Hob Nob border collies for over 20 years!  The goal of my breeding program is to produce a versatile border collie that can excel in all dog sports which include agility, herding, obedience, and flyball.  Emphasis is on producing a sound dog in mind and body.  Structure and temperament are a priority when considering any dogs that are used in my breeding program. All breeding dogs are tested for hip (OFA) and eye clearances (CERF).  In addition, DNA testing is done for CEA (collie eye anomaly).  Any dogs that are carriers of CEA will only be bred to dogs of normal status.  In doing so, no dogs will produce CEA. Click on this link to see results of the Hob Nob dogs tested  http://www.bordercolliehealth.com/USA.html
Since all of my wonderful Hob Nob dogs live in my house and many sleep in my bed, their puppies are also raised in my house and monitored 24/7.  Since I am a full time professional dog trainer and work out of  my home, this allows me to constantly interact with the puppies throughout the day...7 days a week!  As their eyes and ears open, they are exposed to many sights and sounds.  During the day, a sound effects CD is played for stimulation as well as getting the puppies accustomed and comfortable with sounds such as babies crying, dogs barking, machine guns blasting, thunder, clapping, kids screaming, etc.  This is the same sound effects CD that is used by the Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, CA.
All my puppies are raised with the Bio Sensor or Super Dog program "Early Neurological Stimulation" by Carmen L. Battaglia  Early handling of Hob Nob puppies assures that each pup will develop into their full potential as a competitive sports dog or being the best companion they can be!
While many of my Hob Nob border collies compete in dog sports, they also live their lives in companion homes.  In addition to the many Hob Nob border collies that compete in agility, obedience and flyball, several Hob Nob puppies grow up to compete in herding events such as USBCHA, AKC, ASCA & AHBA.   I do not take preference on anyone’s status in the dog world when considering where my puppies are placed. My priority is to assure that each of my wonderful Hob Nob puppies is a beloved family member first and foremost regardless of wether they compete or not!  I welcome anyone to inquire about my puppies whether you are a well known competitor or someone looking for a wonderful companion!
Puppies that are sold on spay/neuter contracts will be registered LIMITED with the American Kennel Club (AKC)  Limited registration does not allow for dogs to compete in conformation.  Price of my puppies sold on spay/neuter contracts with LIMITED registration is $1,500.  Canadian residents must fly in to pick up their puppy or it can be shipped on a direct non stop flight to a US airport.  Any additional expenses involving paperwork for importation will be added to the puppy price (includes CERF exam, 1st vaccination, vet health certificate & a regular worming schedule).   I rarely sell any of my puppies with full registration.  This is so that I can preserve my Hob Nob line of which I have developed and cultivated for many years.  However, some exceptions may be made to certain individuals.  In these instances, price of puppies sold on full registration with breeding rights and sole ownership is $3,000 ($3,500 for puppies sold outside the USA) to select individuals plus any added expenses for shipping, etc.  Persons living outside the USA must fly in to pick up their puppy.  
In order to be placed on my puppy list, I must first receive at least 3 character references.  These references should be from their trainer, veterinarian, breeder of current/past dogs, fellow exhibitors, neighbors, etc.  It is up to the prospective buyer to contact these individuals asking them to send a character reference on their behalf directly to me via email and should include their telephone number.  Once I get acceptable references I then ask each individual to submit an in-depth bio describing in detail the qualities they are looking for in a Hob Nob border collie.  It is with this bio that guides both the buyer and breeder in the selection process when choosing the perfect puppy to best match their new potential owner.  In addition, once you are placed on my puppy list, I require a non refundable $300 deposit for puppies sold on spay/neuter/limited registration  ($500 deposit for puppies sold on full registration) to secure your place and order on the puppy list.  The deposit may be paid by personal check.  However, final payment for the balance of the puppy and cost of shipping crate must be paid using PayPal.  Paypal service charges will be added to the final total.  If the buyer and seller both agree that there is not a suitable puppy to match the requirements described in the bio, then the deposit can roll over to the next litter.  Breeder always gets first priority of pick puppy from any and all litters.  As a reputable breeder who stands by her Hob Nob line,  Hob Nob border collies are fully guaranteed.  In special circumstances, 1/2 the deposit ‘may’ be refunded.
Puppies are wormed at 3, 4, 6 & 7 weeks of age in addition to receiving their first vaccination which includes canine distemper-adenovirus type 2-Parainfluenza-Parvovirus before leaving for their new homes. 
Contrary to most breeders, I do not remove the front dewclaws on my puppies.  My reasons why are best explained in this article With a Flick of the Wrist by Chris Zink, DVM, PhD sports veterinarian.  
Puppies have their eyes examined for CERF between 6 & 7 weeks of age.  It is around this time that puppy selections are determined and announced to each individual (via email) which puppy has been selected for them.
For those that would fly out to pick up their Hob Nob puppy, the closest airport is SeaTac in Seattle, WA.  I do ship puppies all over the USA and Canada.  However, I will only ship puppies on non stop flights.  This may mean that the new owner may have to drive a great distance to the airport that will accommodate a non stop flight.
References from extremely satisfied Hob Nob owners are available upon request.http://www.bordercolliehealth.com/USA.htmlSuper_Puppies_bio_sensor.htmlSpay_Neuter_contract.htmlhttp://www.akc.org/reg/limitedreg.cfmFlick_of_the_Wrist.htmlhttp://www.jandemellobordercollie.com/DewClaws.htmshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4shapeimage_2_link_5

Simply The Best & Second To None!


Janice DeMello

Deposit Policy

Below is my policy on deposits. I do my best to assure that the personality of the puppy/dog matches the personality of the person/family they will be living with. This is why I have chosen to make my policy on deposits what it is.

All Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE with very few exceptions such as not enough puppies in a particular litter, etc.

When a deposit is placed, it is placed on the ’Puppy List’ itself NOT on a specific puppy.   A $300 deposit is generally required. By placing a deposit on a litter, it guarantees that if there is a puppy with the appropriate personality for your home’s needs, you will get that puppy. I do all I can to accommodate sex and coloring requirements, but lifestyle and living conditions are my primary considerations.

I do not allow people to choose a specific puppy at birth solely based on coloring or markings (which is all that can be seen at birth). Personality and temperament are far more important qualities to take into consideration when choosing a companion or performance partner. I make every effort to accommodate the choices of the perspective homes, but I will NOT place a puppy in a home if I do not believe it is the right personality for a particular home.

As the litter matures, if there is not a puppy that I believe will suit a home’s personality needs, the deposit is ‘rolled’ over into an upcoming litter. This can happen if a home is looking for a specific sex or there is a color requirement.

Individuals looking to purchase a HN dog on full registration for breeding are dealt with on an individual basis. I am very selective on where my pups go.

If you wish to discuss my policies further, please feel free to contact me.  I am always willing to work with a perspective puppy/dog owner and do my best to accommodate.  However, keep in mind that my primary concerns are for the safety and well-being of the puppies I breed.  Please be sure to state all your concerns prior to sending your deposit.

So, don’t be shy or hesitant!  If you are serious about being placed on my puppy list and joining my incomparable Hob Nob family, send me an email

By adding a Hob Nob border collie to your family you will experience why they are...