raising puppies...
                                the HOb nob way
Simply The Best...

Hob Nob Crème Brulée aka ‘Bru’ pictured at 5 weeks old

Bru pictured at 1 year old

Hob Nob border collie puppies are given every opportunity to be exposed to children of all ages

Hob Nob border collie puppies are born in my house with constant supervision.  Daily handling and weights are taken of each puppy to monitor their health status.  Eyes and ears start to open from 10 to 14 days after birth.  Once per week the puppies toe nails are filed down with a cordless dremel.  The grinder is very quiet so as to get each puppy used to having their nails trimmed.

Supplemental bottle feedings are a great experience to aid in early bonding.

Weather permitting, the puppies experience daily adventures as they explore the great outdoors at Hob Nob Farm!

When the puppies are about 5 weeks of age, they get moved into the Puppy Cottage.  Puppies continue to experience human interaction and play sessions several times a day.  A sound effects CD is played throughout the day exposing them to such sounds as thunderstorms, dogs barking, children crying, loud gun shots, etc.  This is the same sound effects CD that is played by the Guide Dogs for the Blind in CA when raising their own litters.

All my puppies are raised with the Bio Sensor or Super Dog program "Early Neurological Stimulation" as you will see demonstrated in the above video