Kim & Steeple smoke the 22" Grand Prix Finals with a winning time of 30.31!

Kim Terrill & her powerful boy Steeple set the pace for the rest of the competitors to follow.  The next best time of 30.77 was laid down by FCI World Gold medal winner Marcus Topps & Juice but even this awesome team could not catch up to the Tower of  Power!




Steeple...quite the handsome lad!


Steeple's working sheep for the 2nd time at Hob Nob Farm December 17, 2008

Steeple snow weaving at Hob Nob Farm on 12/18/08

Scheme and his son Steeple enjoying snow races on 12/19/08


NEW FLASH...USDAA Tournament Ft. Worth, TX 9/9/07

Steeple wins 1st place in 22 inch Steeplechase Regional

Steeple has earned these titles AX, AXJ, ADCH

He also has earned two 3 point majors towards his CH

Steeple won the 2007 Western regional 60 weave pole qualifier

qualified for the semi finals for the 2007 Cynosports Steeplechase in AZ

picture taken on 4/11/08


Picture below taken on 4/11/08

Once again Jan has not let me down as I acquired my third Hob Nob border collie from her.  I have always liked what the Static Scheme lines have produced.  Having Frisco from Static & Scorch then Summit also from Static & Scheme, I knew I wanted to continue with  a dog related to these lines.  I have watched Ticket and Sybil grow up and compete in agility and I just love their work ethics.  When I heard that Jan was going to repeat the breeding of Harley to Scheme,  I jumped in line for one of these puppies!  I could not wait to have a Harley/Scheme puppy of my own.  Kim Terrill, NM


Above pictures taken on 4/11/08

Click here to go to more Steeple pictures

Steeple pictured at 8 months of age

Steeple is just what I ordered.  He loves his obedience and agility training.  Steeple is going to be a very tight turning lad with the combination of quickness and athletic prowess  to excel in agility and focused willingness to perform at the highest level in obedience competitions.  His personality is second to none!

I want to thank Jan DeMello for allowing me to have yet a 3rd Hob Nob border collie and picking out my handsome boy Steeple for me to add to my family and to Sandi Andersen for raising another wonderful bunch of pups.  The only thing better than two is to have three perfect Hob Nob dogs!

Steeple looking quite a lot like his handsome daddy Scheme

Steeple is a litter brother to Posh & Slick

 Steeple is proud of his big sister Sybil and 1/2 brother Surf