               Hob Nob pedal to the medal

Even though Jill is almost 4 years old, I still can’t believe that I have my very own Hob Nob dog.  When I was at my first USDAA trial, I noticed a dog that stood out because of its beauty and skill on the agility course.  After watching the dog all weekend I talked to the owner who told me that her dog was Hob Nob Frisco.  This same scenario played out many times over the years where a dog would catch my eye and sure enough it was another Hob Nob dog.

After admiring Jan’s dogs for 6 or 7 years, Frisco’s owner, Kim Terrill, who owned 2 other Hob Nob dogs at the time, convinced me to contact Jan.  I was beyond excited when Jan put me on the list for a Singe x Steeple puppy.  My husband was quite nervous about letting Jan pick the puppy out for us, but I had seen so many great HN dogs that I wasn’t nervous at all. 

It was fun to see all of the pictures and videos of the puppies from the day they were born until they went to their new homes.  Even though Jan cautions new owners not to get attached to a puppy based on the pictures and videos, I fell in love with puppy #5 from the very first picture.  I was beyond thrilled when Jan told me that she had selected puppy #5 to come to live with us.

The perfect puppy that I described to Jan would first be a great, loving pet that could share in the active parts of my life such as morning runs and agility but could also sit on the couch and cuddle with me in the evenings.  Another attribute of my perfect puppy was for it to be a competitive agility dog at the local or even regional level.   My perfect puppy could be any gender and any color.  Jill has every quality that I asked for in my perfect dog.  She is always ready for whatever we want to do.  She loves the morning runs and our training sessions.  Even as a young puppy, she had a greater attention span than I expected for her age; she wanted to work and to learn.  Jill also is the competitive agility dog that I asked for.  She earned her ADCH before she turned 3 and this year at just 3 years old had a great showing at 2 USDAA Regional trials and the USDAA Nationals. 

But, the thing that I love best about Jill is that when it’s time to settle in for the night, she cuddles up right next to my side and snuggles with me.  Besides all of that, in my unbiased opinion, she’s as beautiful as all of the other Hob Nob dogs that Jan has bred.


As for my husband who was nervous about letting Jan pick our puppy, he’s a believer.  He always tells me what a perfect dog Jill is and how lucky we are to have her.  I couldn’t agree more. 


Thank you Jan for trusting us with the most perfect dog in the world,

Jeannine Kasparian Doepke, AZ

Jill’s accomplishments are ADCH, NATCH, MX, MXJ, MXF, 2011 Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Large Dog Agility Champion, 2012 Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Weave Pole Champion, 2012 USDAA National Steeplechase Finalist.

See Jill in action by visiting her YouTube channel